I could easily find the same information on Udemy and Skillshare which cost a fraction of what I paid for the high-ticket course.
The one high-ticket course was transformational so I am not saying that all the high-ticket courses are bad or have poor quality.
Before we start let’s define what are high ticket courses.
Now for someone, it could mean a $2000 course for someone it could be a $10,000 course.
But for all practical purposes let’s call all the courses above $2000 high-ticket courses.
Focus on sales than the actual course
Selling something at a very high price requires you to be a good salesperson and when we are talking about online courses the same thing is done either by the salespeople or the sales page.
What I found is a lot of high-ticket course creators focus so much on sales that they forget there is an actual course to be delivered.
People are buying your courses because they are facing some problem and they want a solution to that problem if your course is not providing that solution then it’s of no use.
Let me tell you my experience of one such email list-building course.
So when I started my online course business I wanted to build my email list, my audience.
I so badly wanted to build my audience that I jumped on the signup page instantly.
But on the signup page, there were multiple timing options and I thought how could this person deliver webinars of 1-hour length with a gap of 15 minutes between them?
Difficult right?
Because nowhere on that page it was written that it’s a recorded webinar and not a live one.
The webinar was portrayed as a live webinar with fake comments.
But I didn’t know that.
I was young and I was naive.
I fell for the marketing and I bought the high-ticket course of building an email list.
And to my dismay, the course contained so much useless content that I felt what warranted this course creator to charge such a high fee for this course.
There was one module in this course that talked about Facebook Ads for building your email list but there was no step-by-step process shown.
It was shown through a presentation with screenshots of different Facebook screens and that’s it.
So when you are talking about using Facebook ads to build your audience your students are going to expect that you are going to show step by step process.
But unfortunately, that step-by-step process was part of another high-ticket course.
Now, these things are called upsells.
I feel selling high-ticket courses is putting a lot of pressure on course creators and they are completely focused on the revenue rather than the result.
I’m not saying that they should not make money they should. even if I want to make money with my online courses there should be some correlation between the value of the course and its cost. Low-quality bonuses
Now let’s come to value in the previous point I spoke of, there should be some relation between value and cost.
Now the course creators have become expert marketers rather than expert course creators.
There is a fashion of adding multiple bonuses on your sales page.
For example, they will add a bonus saying you will get access to their Facebook group and the actual cost of joining this group is $999 but you are getting it for free.
Is the real cost of that Facebook group $999?
Just to inflate the price of the course multiple such bonuses are added which are actually of no value.
So 5-6 such bonuses are added each costing $999 or $1999, sometimes even higher, making the cost of the course in the range of $10,000 or $20,000.
And then they will say, they are not going to charge you this amount instead you are going to get it for $1999.
So many new people fall for this stuff and the bi this course at a high price thinking that they are getting a good discount or a good offer.
Not just that there is a fake timer also on this sales page.
The fake urgency created by the sales page compels the person to buy the course at a very high price.
There are so many good course creators who absolutely don’t add any bonuses and just sell on the actual value of the course.
I feel these are the real course creators who want transformation in their students
A lot of fluff in the so-called high-ticket course
Now this problem is not specific to only ticket courses but it is applicable across the board.
But when you find there is a lot of fluff in a $20 course versus a $2000 course, it makes you think what was the purpose of charging such a high price.
I believe a course should take your student from point A to point B without any fluff without any misdirection and without wasting his or her time.
It has become a fashion for high-ticket course creators to add mindset-related videos in their courses when it’s not required.
It gives them a gateway route if you fail.
They will say you don’t have the right mindset to succeed.
In yesteryears, a student’s failure was considered a teacher’s failure but now the teacher will say you have failed because you haven’t worked correctly or you don’t have the right mindset.
My take
Let me make it very clear I am not against people who are selling high-ticket courses.
But I am against course creators who are unnecessarily adding fake urgency, a lot of fluff and low-quality bonuses just to increase the cost of the course.
Course creators should charge the real value of the course rather than the inflated one. There are a lot of gullible people who are not financially well off falling for this marketing trap and losing their hard-earned money.
That is what I am against.
Read more about the myths that can hamper your online course business.