8 ways to purchase a domain name can help you grow top on google.

Confused about what would be the best domain name for your brilliant idea? Well, worry not, you are not the only one.


When starting a new website, whether for blogging or for your coaching and consulting business or for any particular company, the first thing that many worry about is the perfect domain name.


Over the years, I have received tons of doubts and questions regarding the same.


So, here, in this article, I will try to help you with the pointers that you would have to keep in mind while you purchase a domain name for yourself.


Without much further ado, let us get started!


Here are the 8 ways to purchase a domain name


1. Simple to Read


When you are starting with your domain name, you would want one to remember it. It makes sure that you have better brand awareness and people can connect with you better.

Source: Freepik


Try to make sure that you put in words that are simple and can cover a larger audience. The more you connect, the better it is for yourself and more accessible for the visitors.


Also, make sure that you have the perfect idea about the audience that you are targeting.


So, let us say, if you are targeting the global audience, then try to make sure that you do not put up a local name, as it might eat up a bit of your audience, who would not connect with the name.

2. Should Not Contain Special Characters


When you are looking for a domain, and if you are looking for one that is probably way too generic, then in all possibilities, you would not have that available.


In such a scenario, the domain registrar would suggest various other alternatives of the same.


This is where this would come in handy. Try to avoid domain names having special characters.


So, let us say, if you were trying for a new domain for your shoe company, you might have tried “shoelace.com”, but the registrar might suggest you go for “shoe-lace.com” mainly because the one that you asked for is not available.

Source: Freepik


If you ever face such a scenario, make sure that you avoid the suggestions with a special character, especially if you have not started your promotions or business.


In such a case, you can still change the venture’s name that you are trying to get this domain for.


The special characters are comparatively tricky to type in. That is why it has been seen that there are significantly lower searches for domain names with special characters than the ones that are simple words.

3. Specific Meanings:


Make sure that the name that you choose does not have a different meaning than what you intend. So, do not use words that have various meanings.


In such a case, the visitor might completely do away with the meaning you wish to convey and fall prey to the one that was not intended.


This would mean that you might lose on some potential visitors!


4. Words with Single Pronunciation:


Words with single pronunciation would make sure that you do not confuse your viewers on the pronunciation part. This comes in handy when someone refers to your website verbally.


You would not have to worry about how exactly they pronounce if there is only one pronunciation available.


Avoid words like “genre,” which has way too many pronunciations.


The other benefit of avoiding such words is that you would mostly have a tagline for yourself.


Or sometimes even a jingle that rhymes perfectly with your name. If the pronunciation is incorrect, you would not have the desired result more often than not.


5. Easy To Remember:


Well, if you have a word that is simple to pronounce and easy to read, in all possibilities, you have already ticked this off.


Just make sure that your website name should be one that others should remember always.

It should be easy to pronounce, easy to write, and something that conveys the purpose you are trying to solve.


So, if you have a website that is named perfectly to meet the needs and requirements of the people in any particular situation, then in all possibility once, in that situation, they would need you, and they would not have much difficulty searching for your requirements.

6. Simple To Type:


Simple to type. Well, does this confuse you? Don’t be! See, it’s simple. The shorter, sweeter, and meaningful that your domain name is, the easier it is to type!


This is something that even a 5th grader would understand. The actual problem is to make sure that the name is short and at the same time meaningful.


This would also apply to all other pointers, which means that it would be easy to read, easy to remember, easy to pronounce, and would in all certainty not have any special character!

7. Not Misspelt:

Your domain should have the correct spelling. This is important when you purchase a domain name.


Now, let us try to understand why exactly.


If you are using a word as your domain name which is misspelled, it would, in all possibilities, have two outcomes.


The readers will or will not notice it.


In the first place, if they notice it, the biggest problem would be that they might feel that you mean something other than what the actual word means, or they might feel you are not serious enough.


This would, in a way, affect your trustworthiness online.


In the second case, if the users do not even notice the misspelled word, in all possible, when they try to search for your website, the next time, they would end up searching for your domain, they would be led to another website, and you would again hit your reach.

8. Go For A .com Domain:

While buying a domain, the .com ones are the ones that you are looking forward to.


Make no mistake that this is one of the most important things you would ever need which you are about to purchase a domain name.


This is important for various reasons. Firstly, it has been seen that people prefer .com domains over all others that are available.


This means you have better reach.

Source: Freepik


The search engines generally prefer .com domain names to others that are available. This means you have a boost when it comes to listings.


Finally, .com opens you up to the global audience and helps you to be prepared for perfectly everything that the coming days might throw at you.


So, if you want to get international, your domain name would not be any hindrance, whatever else be!

Well, with that, I hope that I have been able to help you with some of the most exciting pointers that you would need to get the perfect domain that would meet your purposes perfectly fine.


If you think that there is one more pointer that I should add to the list, then please let me know! We can catch up in the comments section!


Also, do not forget to let us know the new domains that you purchase after going through these pointers. We would love to check out your website too!




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