How to start your web development business in India?

Table Of Contents Company structure for your web development business Selecting the right technology Be a master of one Selecting one technology to start with Creating your brand presence for your web development business The web presence for your web development business Positioning Time to market your company Closing thoughts A lot of people […]
How to select a web hosting for your WordPress website?

Every WordPress website requires web hosting to store WordPress files and database. However, there are various types of hostings and multiple providers. This makes it very difficult for a beginner to select a proper hosting. In this video, I discuss various types of web hosting available for your WordPress site. This video is […]
How to schedule appointments using WordPress and Calendly

How many times have you missed your meetings due to lousy scheduling? I know, I have missed many.I have forgotten to attend the meeting or even forgot to remember there is a meeting scheduled by me. Scheduling meetings is a big headache. There are a lot of emails going back and forth, just […]
Is WordPress bad for building landing pages?

For the last few years, I have been hearing that WordPress is not suitable for building landing pages, and conversion rate is abysmal with landing pages made with WordPress. So many online coaches are promoting the use of expensive tools for building landing pages while vilifying WordPress. Do you think WordPress is inadequate […]
One cannot simply use any image on the internet

So you liked an image you found through Google Images; you right-clicked on it and saved it; you used the image on your website or blog. Simple enough to get and use the images, right? Well no! You cannot include any image that is available on the internet on your blog or website. […]
What do they mean? Different WordPress terms explained

With every piece of software or tool, some terms are associated. For example, if you are using Windows, you know what Start Menu means, if you are using Mac, you know what Finder means. The same way there are WordPress terms. And while it is not essential to know the inner working of WordPress, […]
How to track visitors on your WordPress website using the tracking scripts?

If you are running your website, chances are you have already heard about the tracking scripts like Google Analytics, Hotjar, Facebook Pixel or Heap Analytics because you want to track the visitors on your website or blog. But if you don’t know what these scripts do, then not a problem. Let me give you […]
How to secure your WordPress installation?

Website security; something that you don’t pay attention to unless some creepy malware or malicious code harms your website. With so many malware and malicious scripts running around the internet, it’s critical to remain vigilant and secure your website. And when you are using WordPress, you have to be extra cautious simply because there […]
7 Must have plugins for your WordPress website

Whenever you speak about WordPress, you invariably talk about the plugins. Plugins extend the functionality of your website and in most cases, without expecting any technical know-how from you. There are so many varieties of plugins and so many use cases that there are more than 50000 plugins available for usage. Not all […]
Why am I more comfortable using WordPress than using Squarespace, Wix or Weebly?

WordPress has been on the block for some time now. And when it comes to ease and flexibility of usage, it beats other CMS hands down. It is time-tested, cost-effective and easy to use. A bucket load of websites available on the internet are made using WordPress. But the new kids like Squarespace […]