8 ways to purchase a domain name can help you grow top on google.

Confused about what would be the best domain name for your brilliant idea? Well, worry not, you are not the only one.   When starting a new website, whether for blogging or for your coaching and consulting business or for any particular company, the first thing that many worry about is the perfect domain name. […]

How to create deep relationship with your audience using blog?

These days the competition in every aspect of life has got a furious form and the business is no exception.   Deeper relationships with clients are now more important than ever.   Big names like Apple, Xbox, Starbucks, and Calvin Klein are some shining examples of the result of better relationships with their clients which […]

Are your writing for humans or search engines?

Have you recently started writing a blog?   Great! So, you must be hearing a lot about keyword research, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, Google keyword planner etc.   Words like keywords research, long-tail keywords, keyword density must be buzzing in your ears. You must be scampering for YouTube videos, blogs, reading articles like crazy trying to understand […]

Why I invested in a good hosting when I was making $0 on my blog?

Have you heard the term skin in the game?   If you don’t know what it means, let me tell you. Skin in the game suggests, when you lose the game, you stand to lose something.   Like, you invested in a coffee shop, and unfortunately, things didn’t go too well.   What will happen? […]

Why is this a perfect time to start your blog?

The situation is grim. There is no second thought about that.You, me and everyone around the world are feeling the heat of COVID-19. Everyone is scared to some extent.Well, let me get to the point because I am not here to talk about the grimness of the virus. After all, I am sure; you already […]

One cannot simply use any image on the internet

So you liked an image you found through Google Images; you right-clicked on it and saved it; you used the image on your website or blog.  Simple enough to get and use the images, right?   Well no! You cannot include any image that is available on the internet on your blog or website.   […]